The City That Never Sleeps


Stupid Student...

I just finished English oral test for all students that i teach, that is form 1 and form 2 (age 13 and 14). This session can be so damn bore for me. Because, actually most of my question is same. Even i have more than one set of question but after several days, i decide that i only need one set of question. That is method 1, direct question from teacher to question. And i choose to only asked them about their basic. Like ,whats your name, how old are you, where do you live and so on.Believe me, even i ask them the same question, i still didnt get the perfect answer from the candidates.And actually all this basic question, we had learn and discuss in our learning process, every early year.Its our first topic in our sylabus, in English subject.

Some of them is ok and i can ask them more, such as, what you dream in future, what will you do if you are a prime minister and one of my favourite question is "what will you buy if you become a millionaire?"

There are some session, that i want to laugh like hell, sometimes i just laugh and the student will smile without they know that their answer is the reason that i laugh.
This is some of the situation..

Situation 1
Me: How old are you?
Student: I am fine thank you.

Situation 2
Me:How are you today?
Student: Its monday

Situation 3
Me:How old are you?
Student: I am Thirty years old (this student was so

Situation 4
Me: How many siblings you have?
Student: errr..what teacher..?
Me: I mean how many ..your brother..sisters?
Student: Including mom and dad?(termasuk ibu bapa?)

(this the moment that i laugh like hell till this student smile with curiousity. I did explained to her that mom and dad is not a siblings,after i can take my breath and stop laughing)

Situation 5
Me: If you are a millionaire, what you want to buy?
Student: A jigsaw puzzle
(i wish he want to buy a super duper monster jigsaw puzzle)

Situation 6
Me: If you are a millionare,what will you do with your money?
Student: I will give to my best friend

(I wish i am her best friend..haha.Watch out guy! this girl will spend your money to her friends)

Situation 7
Me: If you are school principle, what you will change to our school?
Student: Rules
Me: What rules?
Student: Students cannot make noise at school, if they do i will expell them!

( can i forgot, this student is class monitor, i bet he hate all noise maker at his class,i hope he will become a Principal at Special day)

I hope i will not get more weird answer for next year, or maybe i can make a book about this.

